Refusal and Limitations on Carriage

  • GUM AIR reserves the right to refuse carriage to a passenger and / or his/her baggage if one or
    more of the following circumstances occur or it is reasonably believed that the circumstance
    may occur prior to or during flight:
  • Denial of carriage or removal from a flight is necessary in order to comply with any applicable
    government laws, regulations, or orders;
  • The carriage of the passenger or his/her baggage may endanger or affect the safety, health, or
    materially affect the comfort of other passengers or crew;
  • The passenger’s mental or physical state or attitude or demeanor, including apparent
    impairment from alcohol or drugs, presents a hazard or risk to the passenger, fellow
    passengers, crew, or property;
  • The passenger has committed an act of misconduct on a previous flight;
  • The passenger has refused to submit to a security check;
  • The passenger has not paid the applicable fare, taxes, fees or charges and refuses to comply
    when reasonably requested to do so;
  • The passenger has an outstanding debt to GUM AIR for services previously provided by the
    Carrier and for which payment was dishonored, refused or recharged; and satisfactory
    arrangements have not been made for settlement of same;
  • The passenger does not appear to have valid travel documents and / or his or her identity
    cannot be established against documentation that is presented and the passenger cannot prove
    that he/she is the person for whom travel was purchased.
  • The passenger fails to observe our instructions with respect to safety or security.
    If GUM AIR refuses boarding to or removes a passenger from one of its flights, the Carrier may
    at its sole discretion cancel the remaining unused portion of the passenger’s ticket and he/she
    will not be entitled either to further carriage by or a refund from GUM AIR The Carrier will also
    not be liable for any Consequential loss or damage purporting to result from any such refusal to
    carry or removal of the passenger en route. GUM AIR may also initiate legal action against such
    passenger for any damage incurred as a result of any of the above